Sen Digital Clean Up: Raising Awareness and Mobilizing for Responsible Digital Use in Senegal

With the support of
In partnership with
Logo Ambassade de France au Sénégal et en Gambie
Logo Association Zéro Déchet Sénégal
Logo Consortium Jeunesse Sénégal
Logo Digital Clean Up Day
Logo La Fresque du Climat
Logo La Fresque du Numérique
Logo Institut Français Sénégal
Logo Polaris
Logo Sénégal Numérique
Logo Simplon Sénégal
Logo Settic
Everyone can reduce the ecological and social footprint of their digital usage.
From September 2023 to February 2024, IT4LIFE, along with its partners, organized practical workshops to introduce the approach of responsible digital use.

18 collective workshops in Senegal

Icone Fresque du Numérique

The Digital Collage

Icone Digital Cleanup Données

Data Digital Clean Up

Icone Digital Reemploi et Recyclage

Digital Reuse and Recycling

More Info


Icône étoile

Raise awareness and reduce the environmental footprint of digital usage

Icône étoile

Extend the lifespan of equipment and reduce electronic waste

Icône étoile

Promote the recycling of obsolete electronic waste

Who is Sen Digital Clean Up aimed at?

Icone Associations et organisations

Members of associations and organizations

Icone Etudiants

Students from schools and universities

Icone Institutions

Institutions and public agencies

Icone Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs, incubators, and fab labs

The workshops

Icone Fresque du Numérique

Digital Mural

Collective intelligence workshop to raise awareness about the environmental impact of digital technology and brainstorm as a group on actions to make digital technology more sustainable.
Duration: 3 hours
6 workshops organized
Icone Digital Cleanup Données

Data Digital Clean Up

Collective workshop for cleaning data stored on devices and their online storage spaces to extend the lifespan of user equipment and reduce the footprint of storage device usage.
Duration: 2 to 3 hours
6 workshops organized
Icone Digital Reemploi et Recyclage

Digital Reuse and Recycling

Workshop for collecting dormant equipment (defective or unused) with the aim of repairing them or sending them to appropriate recycling channels. This workshop also aims to promote best practices for extending the lifespan of user equipment.
Duration: 2 to 3 hours
6 workshops organized (in partnership with SetTIC)
Digital technology is not immaterial. The growth of the sector and our digital usage (devices, data traffic, electronic waste) have significant environmental consequences.
By raising awareness and promoting good practices of responsible digital behavior, we can reduce and limit the environmental impacts of the digital sector.


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